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I try hard to make sure that The Productive Academic content is excellent. I want to give you the best guidance that I can: I write on topics I have experience in and I augment that experience with other information sources. But since I write to a general audience, you may find some content that seems counter-intuitive to your specific discipline. If so, get a second opinion and please pass along any lessons learned. I hope The Productive Academic is your favorite, best-written, most on-point information source, but it shouldn’t be your only source.
Most of the information on this site is free. The Productive Academic is a business, though, so I do try to make some money from it. Currently, I make money through book sales, but I may also use affiliate links to direct you to helpful products. Integrity and authenticity are important to me, so I promise to only recommend tools, books, and services that either I or people I know use and that I find to be especially helpful,
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I hope you find the site helpful. Thanks! - Thomas